Loving God, Loving Others: Jesus said “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” and “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” Luke 10:27 

Our endeavour is to provide a place where every single member, irrespective of background, gender or age, can feel safe and flourish, can develop the gifts each has, and can play a part in carrying the gospel message forward. We are inclusive in approach, with our membership actively engaged in serving and in decision-making through a New Testament Biblical pattern, including the choice of outreach partners that we work with.

We’d love to see you, perhaps just for a conversation where we can listen and share our hope, joy and confidence in Jesus Christ as Saviour for all. Perhaps you’d appreciate prayer for whatever situation you find yourself in or perhaps you’d like to join in a service on any Sunday morning. Whatever we can do for you we will, for His Name’s Sake, make you very welcome in this part of Gods family.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Chapel family please download a copy of
Loving God Loving Others - An Introduction to Membership and our About Membership and Membership Application Form to find out more. Alternatively please contact any or our elders and deacons who will be pleased to help you.

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